Gabriele Toneguzzi

Young collection: my pavilion for antique and rare book at the 23rd International Book Fair in Turin

23rd International Book Fair in Turin

Umberto Eco and the philosopher Maurizio Ferraris with the semiologist Patrizia Violi, talk of “the delirium of listing”, the vortex of the cataloguing of what exists, with which humanity attempts to exorcise the damage of time and the limits of its own mnemonic abilities, but also of the need for oblivion. The meeting is entitled The future of memory.

In this photo, Umberto Eco and the culture secretary of state of the San Marino Republic Romeo Morri, outside my pavilion: the Young ‘cube’, a black cube so named because totally black inside and with a dim light lamps that light ONLY the books exposed.

In 2010 the Library of the University di San Marino showed at the International Book Fair in Turin, Italy, the most precious volumes from the Young collection, the richest collection of opuses on memory and mnemotechnics in the world. The Young Collection is conserved in San Marino. It includes books from the XV to the XIX century as well as 11 incunabula, almost 2000 monographs from a posterior time, 2000 articles, 500 pieces of graphics and memorabilia, and other materials connected to memory and memorization.

Young_collection brochure

Umberto Eco and the secretary of state of the San Marino republic Romeo Morri outside the Young ‘cube’ collection

My project for the pavilion; the Young collection at the 23rd International Book Fair in Turin

This entry was written by gt, posted on 4 Giugno 2010 at 11:18, filed under Architettura, Biblioteca, Recensioni, Storia. Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Come si mangia in treno? panorami austro-ungheresi: Railjet bistro

Railjet Bistro in Budapest

This entry was written by gt, posted on at 17:01, filed under Biblioteca, Didattica, Digital life, Ferrovie, Fotografia, Industrial design, Multimedia, Tecnologia. Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Come si mangia in treno? Terza parte: opinioni

Come si mangia in treno?
Il vostro collega, Jacopo Rangoni, propone questa valida analisi sui vari modi di cibarsi a bordo treno
in questo terzo post potrete farvi un’idea tramite delle opinioni altrui; nel primo post ho inserito delle foto evocative, nel secondo post, dei video

Tanto&Buono e Pulito&Giusto: torneremo a mangiare in treno?

E’ la sfida più calda dell’estate quella scoppiata tra i fornelli di Trenitalia. Sconfitto nella gara d’appalto , il Gruppo Cremonini non vuole lasciare il posto ai vincitori, i francesi di Accor, e ha ordinato ai suoi addetti di barricarsi in cucina in attesa che il TAR si pronunci sul ricorso. E per ostacolare la nuova gestione fa salire sui treni perfino i dirigenti di Chef Express. “Spiace – dicono – dover abbandonare in modo così brusco un servizio gestito per quasi vent’anni”, ma Trenitalia ha rifiutato il subentro morbido. Intanto il braccio italiano di Accor, la società Tanto&Buono, ha già pronti menù e listini (pdf) che promettono una svolta gourmand. Niente cucina francese ma “prodotti locali di prima qualità per piatti dieteticamente equilibrati e sani”. Apertura di credito concessa per la collaborazione con Slow Food, non solo consulente, ma ideatore menù “a tema” (?). Tra le offerte della Tanto&Buono anche piatti per musulmani (senza carne di maiale) e ricette per la clientela vegetariana e vegana.

Non che far meglio di Chef Express sia un’impresa, ma cosa pensate dell’accordo Slow Food-Tanto&Buono? Finirà finalmente l’incubo del servizio sgarbato, della pasta collosa, degli arrosti sudati?

Scritto da: Antonio Tomacelli sabato 8 agosto 2009 fonte:


This entry was written by gt, posted on 26 Maggio 2010 at 18:21, filed under Biblioteca, Didattica, Ferrovie. Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Come si mangia in treno? Seconda parte: video

Come si mangia in treno?
Il vostro collega, Jacopo Rangoni, propone questa valida analisi sui vari modi di cibarsi a bordo treno
in questo secondo post potrete farvi un’idea tramite dei video, soprattutto delle usanze giapponesi, nel primo post troverete delle suggestioni fotografiche, mentre nel terzo post potrete farvi un’idea tramite delle opinioni altrui

illustrazione generale di un treno proiettile giapponese e del modo di pranzare a bordo


This entry was written by gt, posted on at 15:28, filed under Didattica, Ferrovie, Industrial design, Tecnologia. Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Come si mangia in treno? prima parte: immagini

Come si mangia in treno?
Il vostro collega, Jacopo Rangoni propone questa valida analisi sui vari modi di cibarsi a bordo treno
in questo primo post potrete farvi un’idea con delle foto nel secondo post, i video, terzo post, le opinioni


This entry was written by gt, posted on at 12:03, filed under Didattica, Ferrovie, Industrial design, Tecnologia. Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Yesterday three of my students of University of Florence published and sold our iPhone app

Yesterday three of my students of University of Florence published and sold our iPhone app
iPlay futsal was set up by Francesco Brogi, Massimo Chirico and Michele Maffucci, during my course of telematics and home automation at the University of Florence, undergraduate degree in Industrial Design programme, Academic Year 2008-2009. Many compliments !!!


This entry was written by gt, posted on 14 Aprile 2010 at 18:13, filed under Brevi, Didattica, Digital life, Industrial design, Multimedia, Recensioni. Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Two of my students are among the winners of the Bombardier YouRail design competition

Federica Mucci and Roberto Tino are among the winners (4th-10th Prize) whit their Railway Hotel Car. Many compliments, and special thanks to Mr. Evaristo Primcipe !!!


”An innovative design for long and over- night rail travels!„

Chris Antonopoulos (Vice President Sales, Bombardier Transportation)

Jury statement
Railway Hotel Car shows us that trains and comfortable hotels can be easily combined to an innovative design especially attractive for long and over-night rail travelers. The duplex concept of a two storey apartment is a very interesting re-use of serviceable rail vehicles. Sensitive to the recycling of used train cars, the designer proposed a simple but unique “Nomadic Hotel” concept with private and compact, yet “open feel” spaces. Although the sleeping quarters lost some ground to the increasingly fast pace commuting flights between distant cities, this approach could suggest a new traveling fashion promoting the discovery of various cities in few defined stops, in a similar approach as the cruise boats touring the seas… An idea with great potential.

This entry was written by gt, posted on 2 Marzo 2010 at 17:10, filed under Didattica, Digital life, Ferrovie, Industrial design, Tecnologia. Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Published: gabriele toneguzzi scritti scelti 2006-2009

[issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=100223104850-16c9187b679c4618a3527755e5915c2e docname=scritti_2006_2009 username=gabriele loadinginfotext=gabriele%20toneguzzi%20scritti%202006-2009 width=550 height=438 unit=px]

This entry was written by gt, posted on 23 Febbraio 2010 at 13:45, filed under Architettura, Articoli/scritti, Biblioteca, Didattica, Digital life, Ferrovie, Grafica, Industrial design, Multimedia, Musei, Paesaggio, Recensioni, Riviste, Storia, Tecnologia, Territorio, Tipografia. Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

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